Monday, December 10, 2007

Fuck You, FoxNews.com

Yes, I read FoxNews.com. Most of their stories are just reprints off the AP wire, and they pack a lot of content into a single front page. So it's a convenient news source for a daily news blogger like me. (I just chose to call myself a blogger. There goes my dignity.) But even though there's not a lot of the typical Fox News attitude in FoxNews.com's stories themselves, you can often count on the site to deliver an offensively reactionary or insensitive headline. Case in point: today's labeling of a story on scientists' successful attempts to turn on and off the homosexual gene in fruit flies as "Gay 'Cure' is All the Buzz". No, I'm not offended by the onomatopoeic pun (though that's pretty terrible). Nowhere in the story does anyone reference this research as pointing to a "cure" for homosexuality, so FoxNews.com took it upon themselves to imply that homosexuality is a disease. Again, FoxNews.com, fuck you. Read the story in question here.

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