Many aging women unhappy with the natural wrinkling of their face skin have turned to outrageously expensive Botox injection procedures to puff themselves up. It may seem ridiculous to pay a dermatologist upward of $1250 to inject your face with toxins that only smooth out your age lines for a relatively short time, but it's even more ridiculous that penny-pinching wrinkle-fighters have started to seek out acupuncture alternatives for a cheaper and supposedly more long-term solution. The only problem here is that acupuncture won't get rid of wrinkles. Or do much of anything else. And it never has. Read this depressing New York Times article on how lies, desperation, and an ignorance of scientific research can result in a booming needles-in-the-face industry.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
More Acupuncture Nonsense
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