Friday, November 23, 2007

More Psychic Nonsense

The attorneys employed by Illinois police sergeant Drew Peterson, the man who allegedly murdered his most recent wife and says she left him for another man (honestly, why do I have to paste an "allegedly" in there?--the guy's previous wife was murdered and shoved into a bathtub--although who could blame the latest one for leaving such a dickish prick?--I mean, he blamed her disappearance on her menstrual cycle--on national television, no less--this is when I end my parenthetical notation), have been making a to-do about an anonymous letter they received claiming Stacy Peterson, the "missing" wife, was spotted in a supermarket sporting a baby bump. What's this have to do with amateur science, you ask? Well, Stacy Peterson's family have laughed off the letter (not only because anyone with a functioning brain knows her husband [allegedly] murdered her) because they've also received numerous similar letters and phone calls from "psychics". These people crawl out of their lairs whenever a missing person is reported--offering to give vague clues for lots of cold, hard cash. They're predators, and they're always wrong. It's nice to see Stacy Peterson's family isn't taking them as seriously as some other grieving victims might. Read CNN's full story here.

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