Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Creature on Vacation

41-year-old Floridian Lloyd Deneau was vacationing in Lake Tahoe when he snapped a picture of what appears to be an amorphous blob of pixels, though it's also being called an alien, a leprechaun, and a baby bigfoot. None of these suggestions seems very likely. I admit that Lake Tahoe has some excellent destination spas, but why would an alien vacation there when it presumably has the whole wonders of the galaxy to explore. If I had a spaceship and wanted a relaxing time away from the day-to-day, I'd rent a cabin on the shores of the Horsehead Nebula. The leprechaun option doesn't make sense, since we all know they only leave Ireland to avoid being hunted by starving potato farmers. And baby bigfoot? Please. Zoologists have known for years that baby bigfeet don't leave their mothers' pouches until reaching adulthood. It's a little-known fact, but bigfeet are marsupials. See the picture yourself here.

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