Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The War on Digital Drugs

As if parents didn't have enough to worry about. Most strangers want to kidnap and rape your children, and the rest want to hook them on crack, according to no studies. We all know the Internet has provided plenty of new avenues for kiddie diddlers to reach your spawn's shorts, but now the WWW can also get your kid high. According to ABC News, thousands of children are downloading so-called "idozers", binaural audio files meant to be listened to via headphones, where they wiggle their way into the brain and change the way your mind works. The article in question claims that many of these sound files are meant to increase powers of ESP and psychokenesis, or help with relaxation, meditation, and weight loss. Sounds like good science to me, although I should say I barely know how to read. But the "problem" arises when these files claim to mimic the effects of alcohol and marijuana, two substances known to loosen up shy kids at prom and increase their coolness quotients by a factor of ten. Sinister. Read the whole ridiculous thing here.

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