Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A team of researchers from some countries whose swimmers were more than likely trounced by Michael Phelps these past two weeks (U-S-A! U-S-A!) have been studying satellite images of cows at rest in pastures across the world and have noticed that about two thirds of them align to magnetic north. Before we jump to conclusions here, it should be noted that the phenomenon is simply a correlation and requires further study before a true cause can be known. For instance, the cows could just position themselves so the sun warms a particular side, or they could be influenced by the orientation of the fences around them. However, the researchers say they've ruled out weather and sunlight-related causes, since the images they studied were taken under varying conditions. If it's eventually found that cattle have some kind of magnetic sense, this would only confirm my long-held suspicion that cows are privy to powers known not to man. I don't want to sound like a bigot here, but I think maybe before they use their magnetic powers for evil, we should probably herd them into detention "farms", slaughter them for their meat, and harvest their skins to make things like designer jackets and handbags. Just saying. More details here.

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