Tuesday, August 5, 2008

God Hates Fag Haters

Pastor Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas hates fags. Everyone knows that. But he doesn't cotton to people hating him. Or, more specifically, he doesn't cotton to people expressing their hatred of him through arson. In a letter to his Attorney General's office, Phelps asked that a recent suspicious fire at his church be investigated as a hate crime, saying, "There is evidence that hatred of our religion was the motivation." The fire started in two outdoor trash cans and spread to a garage and a fence, allegedly causing $20,000 to $30,000 in damages. Some might say Phelps' hiding behind hate crime laws is hypocritical coming from someone whose entire existence revolves around his hatred of people with similar genitals enjoying each other physically. But that kind of easy criticism falls apart when you consider the fact that Phelps, horrible though he is, has always operated inside the law. However, it is hypocritical for someone to hide behind hate crime legislation when he once dressed like a cowboy-themed stripper and held up a sign opposing them. Actually, I can agree with his first position. Hate crime laws are absurd and redundant. What's the point of outlawing "hate" when things like "arson", "murder", and "assault" are already illegal? More details here. And listen to my interview with Phelps' son, who also hates fags, here.

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