Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Psychedelic Moses

Benny Shanon, professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, can't possibly believe that Moses' reception of God's laws atop Mt. Sinai was a miraculous event of cosmic significance. After all, God's laws turned out to be a little bit trite (Really? Murder is wrong?) and the rest just demonstrated a 12-year-old's sense of self-centered jealousy (Why isn't everyone paying attention just to me?). But he also can't believe that despite any physical or historical evidence to back up the events of the Book of Exodus, the story of Moses can't possibly be a mere legend. So, for Shanon, that leaves only one option: Moses was totally baked, man. Shanon claims that the use of psychedelic drugs was common in the religious rituals of early Hebrews, and Moses' visions of burning bushes and God's ass (look it up) were probably just side-effects of the brown acid. Shanon backs up this claim by discussing his own religious visions while under the influence of drugs. Case closed, apparently. More details here.

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