Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bardot Convicted

A while back, I wrote about French actress Brigitte Bardot's current hate speech trial under the heading "Bardot in Bondage." I also included a shot from one of her sexier photo shoots as a young head-turner. Since then, it's probably been the most popular post in the history of this site. As such, I won't link back to it or include another sexy pic this time, since I don't want this blog to become some kind of SFW spank file. But I will inform you that Bardot has been convicted on charges of inciting hatred toward Muslims and will be facing a $23,000 fine plus $1,300 in damages to French anti-racism group MRAP. She's been repeatedly charged under these draconian laws before, but this most recent infraction had to do with a letter she sent to President Nicolas Sarkozy decrying the Muslim feast of Aid el-Kebir for its ritual slaughter of sheep. Seems like there are several more important issues to raise about fundamentalist Muslim culture, though I'm assuming Bardot still owns her clitoris and is, therefore, unconcerned. Still, we Americans have one more reason to cherish our First Amendment. More details here.

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