Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Trick Your Kids

When your child bumps her head or scrapes her knees, and she just won't give up on the pain until she shoves a pill-shaped object in her mouth, here comes Obecalp to the rescue! Obecalp ("placebo" spelled backward) is a cherry-flavored sugar pill that provides all the helpful benefits of a clinically tested pharmaceutical without all those pesky effects. It was "invented" by mother-of-three Jennifer Buettner (pictured here practicing her glamor shot at the mall), who claims it can stimulate "'the body's ability to repair itself and the miracle power of the brain." It's already gone on sale in the U.S., and its manufacturers are hoping to launch it in the U.K. soon. Critics complain that Obecalp could encourage children to develop a dependency on unnecessary medicines to soothe all their minor problems. Others claim that Obecalp might discourage parents from seeking the help of actual medicine when necessary. Still more say that kids these days just need to learn to suck it up, walk it off, and quit their damn crying or they'll give them something to cry about. But what do critics know? I'm going to go program my Roomba to feed my baby Obecalp and canned food while I'm on vacation in Aruba. More details here.

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