Saturday, June 28, 2008

Louisiana: Fucked

My wonderful faith healing, exorcising, chemically castrating governor has just signed the first-in-the-nation "academic freedom" bill into Louisiana law. Now public school science teachers across the state will be allowed to "supplement" their lesson plans for topics such as evolution, cloning, and global warming with "outside materials" that may contradict science's views of those topics. In other words, Louisiana's children are now legally allowed to be taught non-fact in school. The law contains a clause saying that no religious doctrine shall be taught, but this is just the front of creationism mongers like the Discovery Institute, who like to disguise good old fashioned "God did it" idiocy in the pseudoscience of "Intelligent Design". And it's this kind of coy dishonesty about idiotic religious beliefs that makes them all the more dangerous. Here's hoping Gov. Bobby Jindal gets abducted by John McCain's presidential campaign so our state can take a much needed rest without him. More details here.

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