Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Close Encounter of the Kucinich Kind

In her new book Sage-ing While Age-ing, actress Shirley MacLaine claims that Democratic presidential candidate and magical pocket gnome Dennis Kucinich once saw a UFO hovering above her house. She writes, "...when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for 10 minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind." Kucinich has yet to confirm the story, though he is a close friend of MacLaine's. It's important to remember, however, that despite her role in the classic film The Apartment, Shirley MacLaine is, in fact, a crazy person who also claims to "communicate" with trees. Thanks to the Cleveland Plain Dealer for the story.

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