Saturday, October 27, 2007

Genetic Future

Savvy skeptics might remember evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry from Richard Dawkins' documentary The Root of All Evil?. Today Dr. Curry is making headlines over his radical predictions for humanity's genetic future. He believes that humans will reach their physical peak by the year 3000, when we will average in height between six and seven feet and live up to 120 years. Men will have symmetrical facial features, deeper voices, and larger penises, while women will all have glossy hair, smooth skin, large eyes, and pert breasts. It's not all sex and roses for the future, though. Eventually an over-reliance on technology will cause us to become weak, short, and goblin-like--creating a new race subordinate to its genetically superior masters. If this all sounds like H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, you're not the only one who's noticed. Also, in order to physically perfect human beings through selective breeding, wouldn't we have to choose not to sleep with the unattractive? Where do beer goggles fit into this theory? More details here.

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