Sure, they're a gigantic corporation with an almost Orwellian access to the world's personal information, but I can't help but love the hell out of Google. Maybe their street-level mapping violates my privacy (though it was probably my fault for dropping my pants and sitting on the sprinkler in my front yard), but I use Gmail. I use iGoogle. I use Google's search engine. This blog is even hosted on Google's servers. And when Sen. Joe Lieberman (?-CT) asked Google to remove videos from YouTube (hey, I use that, too!) that he deemed inappropriate, they told him to go screw. Seems Sen. Lieberman was offended that anti-American, terrorist-sympathizing bastards have been allowed to rant into their webcams for the world to see. Google responded with a gentle reminder about America's belief in free speech as an inalienable human right. Kudos to them. However, I can't help but be reminded that Google also voluntarily censors its searches in China in order to appease that country's information-hating regime. Hey, wait a second. Google are a bunch of hypocrites! But did you see how they changed their logo for Earth day? It's the cutest thing ever. More details here.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Google Defends Speech
Google Defends Speech_t~~_
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