Friday, April 11, 2008

Druggy Scientists

According to an informal survey of scientists conducted by the journal Nature, 1/5 of all respondents admitted to using drugs to increase their concentration or focus. And really, is this surprising to anyone? Why should the jocks of the world (I'm looking at you, Lance Armstrong) have all the fun of performance enhancing drug use? Let's get those geeks in on the illicit action. Of course, these scientists aren't shooting giant needles in their muscular buttocks to pump up their freakish pecs. Instead, they're popping Ritalin, Provigil, and beta blockers to get the edge on those stressful experiments. Not quite as glamorous maybe (Ritalin? The drug of choice for hyperactive 12-year-olds?), but here's hoping this new badboy image will do something to up the profile of scientists among the pill popping tween set. More details here.

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