Monday, April 28, 2008

Life Finds a Way

Molecular analysis of proteins recovered from both a 68-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex sample and modern bird species has resulted in the first molecular data to confirm that a non-avian dinosaur shares an evolutionary ancestor with our feathered friends. Specifically, the T-rex is related to chickens and ostriches. It's not too surprising a discovery, since those animals all share a similar body shape and are utterly terrifying. Still, this discovery lends a good deal of credence to the dinosaur-bird relationship first proposed by fictional paleontologist Sam Neill in the film Jurassic Park. (It may have been first proposed by an actual paleontologist, but I'm too lazy right now to do the research. I'm busy firing rockets at hookers in Grand Theft Auto 4. Also, I'm too lazy to research the name of the fictional character Sam Neill played in the movie. I am, however, aware that said character probably appeared in the book before the movie was released, but I'd rather yank all the veins from my forearm than read another Michael Crichton novel.) More details here.

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