Friday, July 25, 2008

Ax(mathskills(x) -> (male(x)) V (female(x)))

If you understand the title of this post, congratulations: you're a virgin. But the good news is that you can either be a male virgin, or a female virgin. This is according to a new study published in the journal Science which revealed that at the highschool level, girls are just as proficient at math as boys. This goes against conventional (ie, sexist) wisdom which has always stated that boys are better at math than girls. The study examined the standardized test scores of 7 million students from ten different states, and found no appreciable difference in the two genders, contrasting studies done twenty years ago, which found that girls lagged behind boys when it came to highschool math. So, either girls are smarter today than they were twenty years ago, or boys are dumber. Maybe a little of both. Read all about it here.

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