Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It Came from Outer Space

Dr. Edgar Mitchell walked on the damn moon, and you didn't. Yes, that makes him better than you. But that doesn't make him any more correct when he claims the government is covering up evidence of extraterrestrial contact. But once again, Dr. Mitchell is spreading his nonsense, going on about UFOs and Roswell crashes in a recent radio interview. This is nothing new. He's talked about this stuff for years now, but he's yet to produce any evidence that he was really subject to any inside information his fellow astronauts weren't. His claims aren't unlike most UFO nuts'. Aliens are among us, and every government in the world is in on the conspiracy to keep this a secret. So why did anyone tell him about it? And why doesn't every other astronaut back him up? Sadly, it seems Dr. Mitchell has a long history of believing ridiculous things. While he was in space, he conducted psychic experiments with his friends back home. He also claims to have been cured of kidney cancer by a teenage "remote healer" in 2004, though he was never diagnosed with kidney cancer in the first place. More details here.

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