Thursday, July 17, 2008

Grove Buster Busted

Vanity Fair contributing editor Alex Shoumatoff was arrested recently for trying to break in to the secretive Bohemian Grove club. For those who don't know, Bohemian Grove is the subject of much empty-headed conjecture from the tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy nuts of the world. Every year, many of the world's wealthy white male leaders meet there to frolic in the woods and jack each other off. Crazy people like 9/11 Truther Alex Jones see this as some kind of shadowy church gathering of the baby-killing Illuminati, when it's really just a frat party for the powerfully impotent. Oddly, Shoumatoff was arrested after passing only the first security checkpoint. He figured he could walk right in while wearing a Pebble Beach sweater and looking stuffy. And I say "oddly" because this is almost exactly how our friend Jon Ronson successfully infiltrated the Grove with Alex Jones. Listen to my interview with him about it here. And read more details about Shoumatoff's arrest here.

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