Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Praying for Gas

Members of the Pray at the Pump movement are thankful that God has lowered fuel prices over the past several days, but the greedy bastards still want more. They're holding prayer services at St. Louis gas stations to ask the Lord to continue to lighten the load on their wallets. They plan to sing "We Shall Overcome" with a new verse: "We'll have lower gas prices". Frankly, that sounds more like a demand than a request. Also, I wonder if this group might have been started by struggling gas station owners, as before they try to bully God into manipulating the market, the group plans on buying a bunch of gas from the stations. Regardless, this won't work for two reasons: prayer has never once proven effective in the history of the world, and God, being a powerful Middle Easterner, is on the board of directors of OPEC. More details here.

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