Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Death Diamonds

Have you ever looked at the "I hate Mondays" office mug where you keep the ashes of your murdered boss and thought to yourself, "This memorial sure could use a little more bling"? Well, you're in luck, as Swiss company Algordanza will create a synthetic diamond from the carbon in human remains. For as little as $7,488 (American), you can preserve your dead loved/hated one forever. Or until your house is cleaned out by a gang of international jewel thieves. There are a few companies around the world who make these synthetic diamonds. While creating sparkling jewels out of your dead pets and relatives may seem the obvious choice, there are some laboratories that will create diamonds from human hairs. Since hairs contain far more carbon than ashes, it's very easy to create a stunningly beautiful memorial to your own personal ego. You know, synthetic diamonds are labeled as such, and are therefore slightly less valuable than natural ones. But still, why wouldn't everyone in the world set up his own hair-into-diamonds factory? Is there something about this business model I don't understand? More details here.

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