Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Stem Cell Shit Storm

You can always tell when a presidential race is nearing the finish line by how much the campaigns begin acting like petulant, vindictive children. Case in point: Democratic VP pick Joe Biden, who recently claimed that people who don't support stem cell research (like Republican VP pick Sarah Palin) don't care about people with disabilities. As we all know by now, Palin courageously gave birth to a child with Down Syndrome, and the McCain/Palin campaign spokesman has hit back at Biden for implying Palin doesn't care about her own baby. No one knows for sure whether Palin cares about her disabled baby or not, but there's also no telling whether Biden was even referencing Palin in his statement. Regardless, though, Biden's wrong. People who don't support stem cell research may very well care about the disabled. They just don't think it's morally correct to save the lives of the born by thawing out frozen embryos that would otherwise be tossed in the bio-garbage. They're not heartless, Biden. They're just idiots. More details here.

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