Monday, January 19, 2009

Any Enemy of Chavez’s…

Between the commemorative plates, the tacky coins, the overblown concerts, and the tearful dedications, I’m getting pretty sick of this freakish cult of Barack Obama that’s been growing up over the last few months. The fact is that we won’t know how good or bad a president he’ll be until after he leaves office. I voted for the guy, and I’m hoping for the best, but maybe people should reel in their worship before it makes them immune to critical thought. That said, Obama has scored a few more points in my book after being insulted by the furry little Venezuelan dictator wannabe Hugo Chavez. Referring to an interview wherein Obama rationally criticized Chavez for hindering his country’s relations with foreign powers and for apparently contributing support to FARC, the Colombian terrorist group, Hugo complained that Obama had “the same stench” as George W. Bush. That stench? Sulfur, apparently, as Chavez claims that Bush is a literal devil. Just the kind of behavior you want to see from a civilized world leader. For all his many problems, Mr. Chavez, at least Bush didn’t try to change his country’s laws so he could be president for life. In other words, you’re a hilarious parody of a human being. More details here.

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