Friday, January 16, 2009

Fearless Orgasm

Guess what. If you’re a woman, you can’t be fearful or anxious and still achieve a genuine orgasm. Researchers in the Netherlands squirted a dye that shows changes in brain function into thirteen women and their sexual partners who were asked to diddle each other on a scanning machine bed. Women who faked orgasms showed greater activity in the cortex, the conscious part of the brain, while women who achieved genuine orgasm actually had a decrease in activity in the areas of the brain that govern fear and anxiety. This explains why I never had much luck with women when I lived in that haunted house. And it also provides a fail-proof test for anyone wondering if his or her ladyfriend is really getting off. The moment she starts wailing, wave a rattlesnake in her face. If she grabs it by the neck and bites its head right the fuck off, you know she’s crossed the threshold. Of course, for safety’s sake, you might not want to use a real rattlesnake. Unless that’s what you’re into. More details here.

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