Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Skepticism

Yes, the inauguration of President Obama was a momentous and historic occasion. Yes, it was inspiring to see so poignant a symbol of America's steady march of civil progress. Yes, we all lost ourselves wondering how many portable toilets were literally overflowing with human waste after being abused by two million looky-loos. But amidst all this optimism for the future of the United States, we shouldn't forget to dust off our skeptics' caps and look at the new administration with a critical eye. To that end, Politico has published an article called "Seven Reasons for Healthy Skepticism", in which a case is made to doubt the positive spin on the Obama presidency. Issues discussed include the fallacy of trusting so-called "genius" experts like those Obama has brought in as economic advisors, the need to question the wisdom of profoundly bipartisan legislation, and the necessity of realizing that the U.S. is in more debt than it's ever been. So why not put down your Barack Obama commemorative vegetable dicer and get to reading? Whole thing here.

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