Monday, January 5, 2009

True Love Lasts Forever (Occasionally)

Researchers at New York's Stony Brook University have compared the brain scans of couples who have been together over twenty years to those in a new relationship, and have found that some people can maintain the same spark for their significant others for a good long while.  The experiments involved showing people pictures of their loved ones and looking at the chemical response in the brain.  In 10% of those in relationships lasting over twenty years, researchers observed the same reactions as younger people shown pictures of their new loves.  Yes, 10%.  That may sound like a depressing statistic, but who's to say the torrid emotions of early romance should be the baseline for love?  Maybe we're no longer groping our partners' privatge parts at every opportunity ten years on, but at least we're getting things done.  At least, that's what my wife tells me whenever I ask for sex.  Bada-zing!  More details here.

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