Friday, January 30, 2009

Court Allows Lesbian Expulsion

A California court of appeals has upheld the expulsion of two juniors from California Lutheran High School for "conducting themselves in a manner consistent with being lesbians". In other words, "hugging and kissing and doing all sorts of fun things every other teenager does, only with two vaginae involved". The girls had sued the school for breaking California's anti-discrimination laws, but the court concluded that since the school was a private institution and not a public business, it couldn't be held to the same legal standard. As much as I love lesbians in general and support their civil rights, I have to agree with the court decision in this case. No one has a right to go to a private school. In fact, one of the main reasons people choose to send their children to private schools specifically because of their often draconian religious rules. The government has no place dictating the practices of a private institution in which the terms of entering that private institution are agreed upon beforehand. And when you sign up for a ridiculous Christian school, you can bet those terms include "no diddling your gender-mates". However, it's totally within the rights of these two girls, the citizens of California, every American, and anyone else in the world to personally email the principal of California Lutheran High School, currently Mr. Steven Rosenbaum, to tell him what kind of person you have to be to throw two innocent girls out of your crappy school because you find them icky. His email address, which is available on the California Lutheran High School website, is rosenbaumsj@clhs-chawks.org. More details about the court ruling here.

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