Saturday, September 1, 2007

El Chupacabra or Coyote?

Rancher Phylis Canion of Cuero, Texas found a carcass on the road outside her house last July which she believes to be a chupacabra, the legendary "goat suckers" of the Southwest and Latin America. She saved the creature's head in her freezer before sending off for DNA testing from Texas A&M. The scientific consensus right now seems to be that it's just a dead, hairless coyote, and for now I agree. We'll know for sure when the testing comes back, but in the meantime Canion is taking advantage of her newfound celebrity by selling t-shirts with a cartoon version of the roadkill and the slogan "2007, The Summer of the Chupacabra". Read the AP's story here, and try to stop asking yourself what kind of person cuts off the heads of roadkill and stores them in her freezer.

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