Japanese researchers have successfully altered the salivary glands of the Anopheles stephensi mosquito so that it carried a malaria vaccine in its saliva. Lab mice who were stung by the mosquitoes were found to have increased antibodies, indicating that they were successfully vaccinated. If scientists are able to produce these mosquitoes in a large scale, they could be dispatched to parts of the world where unaltered mosquitoes still spread malaria in epidemic numbers. No word yet on whether being stung by a vaccinating mosquito still results in annoying itching. I mean, malaria is pretty bad and everything, but have you ever gotten a mosquito bite on your back where you can't quite reach it? I'll take the malaria! Am I right? Oh, I'm not right? Malaria is a horrible and painfully deadly disease? My bad. More details here.
Monday, March 29, 2010
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